Russian civilians are being conscripted. As are prisoners. As are North Koreans. As are Houthis. What would your solution be, just let those armies take over Ukraine?
The Russians are at their doorstep with guns. You can’t just sit there saying “I don’t have a fight with you” and expect them to peacefully leave. They’ve already shot your neighbours. The choice is not yours. You either fight or you die.
Russian civilians are being conscripted. As are prisoners. As are North Koreans. As are Houthis. What would your solution be, just let those armies take over Ukraine?
The solution is for everyone to reject war.
Making excuses to kill like in Ukraine is not any more just than any other excuse to kill.
If we want the US to stay in control of the world then it’s necessary to fight Russia, but it’s not necessary for amy of them to die
The Russians are at their doorstep with guns. You can’t just sit there saying “I don’t have a fight with you” and expect them to peacefully leave. They’ve already shot your neighbours. The choice is not yours. You either fight or you die.
Ok lol you go enlist then if you’re so comitted.
In fact if you support a draft we should force you to enlist against your will
How exactly do you propose we get everyone to reject war?
Because Ukrainians in general didn’t want the war to begin with.
education is what makes people not fall for dumb war propaganda