Hi all,
I downloaded overwatch 2 for the first time through steam (flatpak). When I click play, it looks like its doing something for maybe 5-10 seconds, but then nothing happens and the play button reappears. Seemingly the game does not run.
Some info about my setup:
bspwm, so no wayland
nvidia 3060 Ti GPU, tried both 535 drivers and 550.
kernel 6.1.121. Distro is gentoo but it should not matter
other games work. I tried Borderlands 2 as a recent example.
I ran steam through terminal to look out for errors, but nothing interesting pops up
nvidia drivers are installed through flatpak correctly
The questions: Can I get any more detailed logs ? any suggestions how to fix it ?
i had lots of difficulties getting some games to launch when i used kernels 6.2 and older, and flatpak steam.
the problem disappeared but i was never sure which thing fixed it, getting steam from apt or newer kernel (xanmod 6.6 then, xanmod 6.12 now, mint default 6.8 worked too).
maybe gpu related too, i also have 3060ti and it’s been garbage since new. weirdly enough it works better in linux than it did on windoze…