Got it. Thanks :)
he/him, leftist, vegan
proud Ukrainian, yoyo player, soulslike enthusiast, future SLP
lemmy.zip admin
Got it. Thanks :)
Manual updates via jailbroken console are probably not an option either, right?
Is the game updated at all nowadays on PS3?
It’s sad that people have gotten used to just throwing away stuff instead of repairing it. Sure, some repairs really aren’t worth it - like the screen I’d gotten replaced of my LG G3 that was prone to have this defect with its screen regardless of screen swaps and whatnot - but most of the time, it’s just minor things that can actually be fixed by non-tech savvy person.
I think it should be of paramount importance that more companies are held accountable as to the amount of waste they’re producing and how much they’re contributing to pollution and waste around the globe. Unfortunately, capitalism is a thing, so that’s not gonna happen.
Having repairable options for those that do care is awesome, though. If I could afford, I’d gladly go for a Fairphone if I ever need to replace my current phone (still going strong after 5 years of use). Until their mass appeal, they’ll likely remain out of my pockets.
Made me chuckle, thanks
Amazing, thank you. I have uninstalled this bs twice now and have so far been spared by another force install. I hope this works
Nothing I could find immediately. I found an Arch Wiki entry which shows that most features work out of the box. Not sure if that’s your exact model and can’t comment on how reliable the information presented is too.
It’s a Surface Go 2, 8GB RAM, I think - maybe 4 - and a couple years old now. Haven’t tried, actually, since I rarely if ever need the cameras. However, I read that getting the cameras to work is a bit of a hassle. Not impossible but annoying
Finally, I can proudly proclaim that I’m no longer bound Microsoft’s bullshit. Been a rocky start, but I’ve been happily using Kubuntu on my Surface for a while now, and it’s going awesome
The protest in our city was a little depressing. We were quite a few people, more than originally anticipated even, but there was barely any chanting or singing, and the whole thing was over in like 2ish hours I think? The protest signs people were carrying around were pretty good, though.
spineless dipshit
“I’m A cEnTrIst”
Thanks for your input. Maybe things have changed for the better? I doubt a github page with a detailed wiki and guide on how to setup the device for Linux would exist if the performance were as bad as you describe it. Then again, maybe there is a big difference between Go 1 and 2. I’ll give it a go and see if it works
According to the github page I’ve linked to, I shouldn’t need to install linux-kernel. Which Surface were you trying to install Linux onto? Thanks for the help :)
Let’s split the bill. I’ll chime in 5
I’ve got bad news, buddy
How realistic is it that this gains traction and makes big waves in their ranks?
You figured out Linux - German’s not that much harder lol
I’d laugh if this weren’t so sad. Sounds like Sony is doing what they can to can any developer under their umbrella. Although, that’s more of a Microsoft thing, sad to see this happen so frequently