Riseup mail
Riseup mail
Use browsers like Cromite, Iridium, Waterfox, Betterfox, Firedragon, Tor, Vanadium. Disabke fingerprinting in hidden settings or in about:config. Don’t install too much extensions, if you can, none. That can be used to fingerprint you. If you don’t have the need, disable javascript and webassembly. Change your useragent to something very common
Apple tracks their users even more
Use Organic Maps
Mullvad also has their own browser with very instrusive ads about their vpn. Even if i used Mullvad VPN, i wouldn’'t use their browser
If you are worried about privacy, you shouldn’t use Google anyway. I write this from a deoogled android custom rom
I now use Cromite for clearnet, Tor browser for dark web
You could propably monitor web traffic from an another device on the same network. As far as i know, Wireshark can do this, maybe nmap too
You can opt out
There was a steam breach too, i changed my email and password for steam as well